Woweee! We are in the midst of a blizzard! As I write this, winds of 40 to 50 mph are taking loose snow from ground and flinging it at anything in its path! Numerous drifts taller than I am are piling up all around town. Doors and windows are getting caked over with snow. The Iron Dog snowmachince race, “The toughest snowmachine race on earth” even has its drivers traveling slowly in packs to avoid the dangers of the storm.
The past two days students have been required to have a parent pick them up at the end of the day so they don’t get lost walking home in the blowing snow. For Kyle and I, that means the hour and a half we normally spend tutoring afterschool turns into free time. You mean we get extra time to read and play video games? Alright, I think we can handle this blizzard. 🙂
I love the photo outside your apartment. Looks like a scene from of Dr. Zhivago. As much as i miss you every day, you have so many life experiences and stories to tell!