This has been a week of local eating. I might even go so far as to say hyper-local: many of the foods we ate came not just from our region, but directly from our backyard.
We had some friends over on Sunday. I made a broccoli cheese soup with broccoli from our garden and potatoes from our garden. We also had a salad composed of lettuce from our garden and radishes from the garden. The meal was completed with some beer bread, courtesy of Kyle’s homemade beer.

Later in the week, I noticed that our beets were getting quite large. We also had a cabbage that a neighbor had given us. In searching for recipes that used either cabbage or beets, I found a borscht recipe that used both! Neither of us had ever had this before, but we figured it was worth a try. That night we had borscht with beets from the garden, potatoes from the garden, dill from our garden, and cabbage from our neighbor’s garden. It was definitely an earthy soup, but we did like it.

The next day we had salmon, potatoes, and a salad. We caught the salmon ourselves earlier this summer. I topped the salmon with a dijon dill sauce, using dill from the garden. The lettuce for the salad of course came from the garden and the potatoes that we roasted came from the garden.

Finally, I finished the week by making a zucchini blueberry bread. The zucchini was from our neighbor’s garden and the blueberries were ones that I had picked a few weeks ago.

I am so thankful that our garden has been abundant this year and that we are eating so many meals from it. At the same time, I’m really thankful that we don’t have to do all our eating from food that we make ourselves, churning butter is a task I’m not quite up for!
Everything looks so yummy, great garden harvests and soulful food!